In this video we tell you our entire experience coming to the YouTube theater in Los Angeles and listening to Jordan Peterson talk for 1+ hours. You will hear how his daughter Mikhaila mentioned she was recently 'saved' and she questioned the audiences belief backgrounds. The overall theme of Jordan's talk this night was: What is Faith. At the end of his talk the audience offered a standing ovation (which was also the way he was welcomed to the stage).
Our take-away
1. Thought is Secularized Prayer
2. Where does thought come from? Revelation
3. Test the spirit, where is it coming from?
4. AIM, Missing the target = Sin
5. Faith, Elijah, God is not a mere natural experience
6. Faith is the willingness to attain to your conscience
7. Work and Sacrifice are the same
8. The Future Depends on it (sacrifice)
9. Faith is a commitment to the pathway of Good